
Watch the videos below to hear the speakers at the #HealthySocialMedia public event, which was organised by University of Strathclyde (Dr Petya Eckler) and Mental Health Foundation – Scotland (Julie Cameron) in Spring 2019.

#HealthySocialMedia event: Introduction
#HealthySocialMedia event: “You’re the change you desire” by Dr Petya Eckler, U of Strathclyde
#HealthySocialMedia event: “What is body image?” by Julie Cameron, MHF Scotland
#HealthySocialMedia event: “Free up your life: Impact of positive body image” by Danni Gordon
#HealthySocialMedia event: “Collaboration and partnership: A new digital landscape” by Kenny Allison
#HealthySocialMedia event: “Navigating the dark forest of technology” by Lizzie Brough

Watch Dr Petya Eckler talk about social media and mental health at her TEDx RNCM talk in 2017.

@DrPetyaEckler at TEDx RNCM

A vox-pop video of young people talking about their use of social media and how they feel about it.